Schedule updated, new Visionary art events added
Also added to the schedule will be the opening of the Paradise Artist Retreat to the public Thursday at 4PM! We can't think of a better way to end the retreat but by having art fans come check out what has been going on. There will be plenty of art and merchandise available from many of the amazing artists attending. But wait, there's more! Alex and Allyson Grey will be hosting a visionary meet and greet and book signing for their new book Net of Being, as will Chet Zar for his new book Black Magick. The Paradise Artist Retreat Schedule has been posted, and after looking through it, we know that every artist who attends is going to have an amazing time. We have also added two new events. Artists are invited to join noted visionary art masters Alex and Allyson Grey for an in-depth critique of your art portfolio. Gather together your favorite art of all mediums which represents your vision the best, and see what they have to say about tapping into your strengths and taking your work to the next level. $150 for 45 minutes of detailed feedback. Availability is strictly limited!