Off the Map LIVE! February 22, 2015 Paradise Artist Retreat Special
Off the Map LIVE! will also be traveling to the Retreat this year and bringing the gear with us. We'll be setting up and streaming all the seminars and discussion panels out to anywhere with an internet connection. If you can't make it out to New Mexico we'll miss you but you wont have to miss out on the experience. Get together with your artist friends and beam the whole experience right into your studio. You can get your streaming ticket by clicking right here. Sunday February 22, 2015 at 10pm EST Off the Map LIVE! will be presenting a Paradise Artist Retreat Skype Extravaganza! Host Ben Licata will be joined by an amazing collection of artists including Guy Aitchison, Chet Zar, Damon Conklin, Pepper, Dan Marshall, and Ian Mckown. Our focus for this episode will be the upcoming Paradise Artist Retreat to be held once again at the Tamaya Resort in New Mexico this March 30th through April 2nd.
We'll talk with our guests about their experiences at past Paradise Artist Retreats and how it shaped their art. Some of our guests are teaching at the Reatreat and will discuss their seminars and what they will be presenting.