- Pepper Tattoos, St. Augustine, FL
- St. Augustine, Florida
- 904-770-7779
Born a Wisconsinite, at the age of 14 Pepper had dreamed about becoming a tattoo artist. Once turning 16, she sought out an apprenticeship by going to different studios in the Milwaukee area showing them her high school art portfolio. No one really took this 16 year old seriously. Hell, why should they have? However Pepper was determined to get her foot in the door somehow. She had her big break when a good friend introduced her to a local artist who after seeing her work had decided to give her a shot. It wasn’t immediate though. That chance came a few months after her 17th birthday. A senior in high school, Pepper would go to school half the day and then leave early to take her apprenticeship the other half on a high school work program. Upon her 18th birthday, which fell around graduation, she had achieved her goal of becoming a full time tattoo artist.
This accomplishment was great but still wasn’t enough for Pepper. She also dreamed of creating photorealistic tattoos and yearned to learn more. After a couple of years tattooing in Wisconsin she had an offer she couldn’t refuse. Hardly believing it was true, she jumped at the chance to work in Indiana with Monte and Joshua Carlton who taught her the base of what she knows now. From there she sought more knowledge and was offered other wonderful opportunities in Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. Throughout the course of her now 14 year career, she had decided to pursue them all and has come out the better for it. By taking these opportunities she has not only learned a lot about her craft, but herself as well.
Always the ambitious one, Pepper enjoys traveling to conventions not only to be around her peers and attend seminars, but to compete as well. Since the start of her career Pepper has won numerous awards from across the US and hopes to eventually make her way over seas. In addition to this she has been featured in multiple publications ranging from newspapers, magazines, and even radio. Currently Pepper has paired with Bart Andrews and is now cohost to the Cape Fear Tattoo & Arts Expo held annually every April in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina.
When not at a show or in the studio Pepper enjoys spending her time with good friends, family, and the outdoors. Being a ‘backyard tourist’ is one of her favorite things for whatever location she has found herself in. Her natural curiosity of the world around her coupled with her passion for travel only fuel her wanderlust. Be on the lookout for Pepper as you just might see her around your hometown.
Facebook: facebook.com/pepperspicytattoos
Instagram: Pepperspicy